Spooky Stories

Hear stories about ghosts, inexplicable experiences, and things that go bump in the night. Shared by community members at events throughout Monroe County, these stories offer a local look at paranormal experiences.

Cozy poltergeist

Man in black

Michael Pehta gets locked out of his childhood home.

Sue Gutknecht receives a few visits from Mr. Ludwig.

Cathy Stephan and her daughter, Meighan, both see a man in black.


Cathy Stephan and her daughter, Meighan, receive a helping hand.

Bathroom break

Eileen Romeo’s great uncle takes a break on the way to the afterlife.


The Kurzdorfer Family gets to spend extra time with a family pet.

Girl in the window

Sandra Owens shares a family story about phantom footsteps.

Richard Moser encounters a woman in the attic of a Syracuse theater.


Emma Van Hise notices signs of a lingering spirit.

An anonymous community member hears a cry for help.

Woman in the attic

Original owner

Voices in the basement

An anonymous contributor benefits from a stranger’s kindness.

Storage manager

A mysterious note saves Heather Semenyuk’s sister.

Tainted bottle

JoJo Légreat hears a ghostly party-goer.

High heels