Storage manager

Anonymous: “ So, I just rented this new storage place, and the manager was very, so very nice and, and very friendly and talkative, and he helped me so much, like, move in one night because my landlord was gonna get rid of my stuff. And he, like, gave me a code, and let me move in, and was so nice and, uh, very friendly, and I knew him less than a week, but he was the nicest person. And then these horrible movers that my friend hired, um, left all my stuff in the halls, and then the power went out, and lights and elevators.

So, then the lights came back on in one of the elevators. I had one cart, and I was throwing my stuff into an empty unit temporarily, because I couldn't do it all by myself. And this other woman was moving out, who had to, like, drive to New York and fly back to an island and needed an elevator. I'm leaving, and I didn't hear her anymore, and then I heard this cart, and I'm like, ‘Hello, hello!’ And I heard this cart moving.

‘Hello,’ and no one answered me, and I go down the elevator, and I'm like, ‘Oh, it was you.’ She's like, ‘What?’ I'm like, ‘The cart moving.’ She's like, ‘No, I've been out here for an hour.’ So, she had three carts, and I had one, and there's only four carts–and someone was rolling a cart around the storage facility.

And I skipped the part where… the important part! The assistant, oh my gosh, this part goes first. Edit it first.

I called the office, the corporate office, and the assistant manager came down, and she's, like–my friend was talking about how he helped us the other night, and she goes, ‘Oh, well, Ed's dead, so he…that can't happen.’ And it's, like, so he died in his sleep the night before. And it was very sad, we're all sad.

I knew him less than a week, but he was so nice. And then I heard this cart moving around the place, and all four carts were accounted for. And no one was answering. And the manager had died the night before.”

Recorded at the City of Rochester Public Market’s ”Haunted Halloween” event on October 29, 2023.